Botetourt County
NON-EMERGENCY 540.928.2200 | EMERGENCY 911
Virginia Victim Information and Notification Everyday (VINE) is an automated service that allows victims affected by crimes to locate an offender in jail, and receive notifications about any changes in their custody status. This free, anonymous service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. A victim can anonymously check on an offender's custody status by calling a toll-free phone number (1-800-467-4943), visiting their website, or using the VINELink™ mobile app.
Victims can also register to receive automated notifications about changes in the status of an offender's custody via email, text, or phone call. TTY (hearing impaired) service is also available.
To get more information or register online visit the website
Go to the website
Confirm the “State of Interest” or “Location”
Click “Find Offender”
Enter the offender’s last name and first name, or the offender ID #, and click “Search”
View custody status information or click the “Notify Me of Status Changes” button and follow the on-screen instructions to sign up for automatic updates.
VINE is designed with the victim in mind. With the automatic notification feature, if you have a telephone or computer, you can receive an automated alert at any time of the day or night.
*live operator assistance is available round the clock for callers who have questions or require additional help at .
As of October 1, 2021, the Virginia Department of Corrections will no longer be participating in the VINE service. You may visit the following websites for post-conviction victim assistance and notification:
Sex offender registry: To register for notifications about a sex offender, search the Statewide Sex Offender Registry on Classic VINE.